Clackamas River Water is a proud member of the Clackamas River Water Providers (CRWP). The CRWP is a coalition of the municipal water providers that get their drinking water from the Clackamas River who are working together on water resource issues. The purpose of the organization is to fund and coordinate efforts regarding source water protection and public outreach and education around watershed issues, drinking water, and water conservation. Starting in July 2018, CRW’s rebate program is provided by the CRWP.
The CRWP encourages water conservation to promote wise water use because everyone depends on water! Water must be used efficiently or there may not be enough for drinking, irrigation, commercial uses, fish, and emergencies such as fire-fighting. We are committed to helping our customers do whatever they can to use their water more efficiently.
To help in this quest, the CRWP offers seven water use rebates up to $485 in value. These rebates are available each fiscal year (July 1st – June 30th) on a first-come, first-served basis until the program funds are depleted.
For more information about the CRWP visit

Indoor Rebates
We are offering an $85 rebate when you replace a toilet that uses 1.6 gallons per flush (GPF) or more with a new WaterSense labeled HET. Toilets purchased must be WaterSense® labeled. Click here to see a list of toilets that that qualify for the rebate.
- The toilet brand/model shown on the receipt must match the eligible model list exactly. Tank and bowl numbers cannot be mixed and matched from different models – they have been tested in specific combinations for performance and efficiency.
Receive an additional $15 if you recycle your old toilet.
Click here for a recycling center near you. A copy of the recycling receipt is required to be eligible.
There are two ways to get your rebate information to us:
- Fill out and submit your application online.
- Download a copy of the application below and mail or e-mail it to us.
We are offering a $75 rebate when you replace your old washing machine with a new Energy Star certified residential clothes washer. Model number required. Click here to see a list of Energy Star washing machines that qualify for the rebate.
There are two ways to get your rebate information to us:
- Fill out and submit your application online.
- Download a copy of the application below and mail or e-mail it to us.
Eligibility Requirements
- Your property must have an active account with Clackamas River Water and be in good standing.
- You must be a single-family residential customer.
- The application must be received within 90 days of purchase.
- Customers can take advantage of each rebate one time per fiscal year (July 1st-June 30th), per account.
- A copy or original of the dated sales receipt (or invoice) that specifies the brand/model must be included with the rebate form. The brand/model purchased must match the item exactly.
- Rebate items must be installed at the property associated with your water account.
- Rebates are available on a first-come, first served basis. The program will end when funds are depleted. The total rebate per item will not exceed the receipt amount.
- Prior to approval, an on-site inspection may be required by CRWP.
Outdoor Rebates
In an effort to help our customers conserve water inside and out we offering rebates on water saving multi-stream rotator nozzles, bib timers, rain sensor/switches, and WaterSense or SWAT-labeled irrigation controllers. With proper installation, programming, and maintenance homeowners can incorporate these upgrades to save thousands of gallons of water annually.
- Rain Sensor/Switch: Temporarily shuts off your automatic irrigation system when it rains. Rebate: Actual cost of device – up to $25 maximum
- Manual Hose Bib Timer: Never again forget to turn off the water! Hose bib timers turn off sprinklers at pre-set times. Rebate: Maximum of two at $12.50 each.
- WaterSense Weather-Based Irrigation Controller: Receive up to $100 when you purchase and install a WaterSense labeled weather-based controller. “Smart” irrigation control technology that uses local weather data to determine when and how much to water.
- Multi-Stream Rotating Irrigation Nozzles: Receive up to $60 in rebates by retrofitting your irrigation system with multi-stream irrigation nozzles. ($3/nozzle, up to 20)Examples of Multi-Stream Rotating Nozzles
- Hunter MP Rotator 1000, 2000 & 3000 Series
- Rainbird R-VAN 1318 &1724 Series
- Toro Precision Series Rotating Nozzle PRN Series Don’t see your model? No worries. We doubt our list is extensive. Just contact us at to confirm your product’s eligibility.
There are two ways to get your rebate information to us:
- Fill out and submit your application online.
- Download a copy of the application below and mail or e-mail it to us.
Eligibility Requirements
- Your property must have an active account with Clackamas River water and be in good standing.
- Rebates apply to in-ground irrigation systems with automatic controllers.
- Backflow assembly testing must be up to date.
- The application must be received within 90 days of purchase date.
- Rebate applications must include a copy of a sales receipt from a retailer or supply company that shows the purchase date, purchase price, manufacturer, and model information.
- Total rebate cannot exceed the receipt amounts.
- Customers can take advantage of each rebate one time per fiscal year (July 1st-June 30th), per account.
- Rebates are available on a first come first served basis. The program will end when funds are depleted.
- Rebate items must be installed at the property associated with your water account.
- Prior to approval, an on-site inspection may be required by CRWP.
To view a list of some WaterSense® labeled Irrigation Controllers click here